Report a Vulnerability
TORIC LABS, INC (DBA Datagrid) is committed to the security of our software. As part of that commitment, we encourage responsible reporting of any perceived or potential vulnerability in our applications, submitted privately to
Please provide as much detail as possible along with your contact information so that we can properly assess the situation and follow up with any additional questions. We thank you for your participation — as well as your discretion — in reporting. Please do not share any unresolved vulnerability with any third parties.
Bounty Program
Toric reserves the right to decide the weakness and severity of a report and whether the vulnerability was previously reported. Rewards are granted entirely at the discretion of Toric.
To qualify for a reward under this program, you should:
- Be the first to report a vulnerability.
- Send a clear textual description of the report along with steps to reproducethe vulnerability.
- Include attachments such as screenshots or proof of concept code asnecessary.
- Disclose the vulnerability report directly and exclusively to us.
Toric supports the following payment methods:
- Bank Transfer: The bounty amount is credited to your bank account.
**any international fees will be at the cost of the reporter